13-04-81 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
The specialities of a spiritual rose.
Today, the Master of the Garden is looking at His children who are spiritual roses. The children from all the four corners, who are spiritual roses are personally sitting in front of BapDada. No matter where you children are physically sitting (some brothers and sisters are listening to the murli in the small hall below), BapDada can see all of you in front of His eyes. Even now, BapDada is listening to the children’s thoughts. Everyone wants to sit directly in front of Baba and hear the murli. Even though some children are sitting in the small hall beneath here, BapDada can see all you children in front of Him. The fragrance of each of you spiritual roses is reaching BapDada. All of you are numberwise, but, at this moment, all of you belong to the one Father and none other and are stable in your first and foremost stage with this spiritual fragrance. This is why this spiritual fragrance is able to reach the subtle region. Do you know the specialities of spiritual fragrance? On what basis are you able to keep this spiritual fragrance constant and steady and also able to spread it far and wide, which means spread the impact of it? The main basis of this is your spiritual attitude. You should always have the awareness that it is the spirit seeing the spirit and speaking to the spirit. It is the various spirits that are playing their various roles. I am a spirit and constantly moving along whilst under the canopy of protection of the Supreme Spirit. I am a spirit. I cannot have a single thought that is not according to the shrimat of the Supreme Spirit. My Karavanhar (the One who makes me act) is the Supreme Spirit. I am an instrument who is made to do everything by Karavanhar. I am karanhar (one who is made to act) and He is Karavanhar (One who makes me act). He is making me move and I am moving. The Lord is everpresent in every direction for me, this spirit, in every thought, word and action of mine. This is why, I, the spirit, am always in front of the Lord and say, “Yes, my Lord!”. The spirit and the Supreme Spirit are constantly combined. The Supreme Spirit cannot stay apart from I, this spirit, and I cannot stay apart from the Supreme Spirit. Those who experience the Lord to be present with them at every second constantly and eternally have this spiritual fragrance. This is the speciality of a first and foremost fragrant spiritual rose.
In the same way, they always have the Supreme Spirit merged in their drishti. They are merged in the Father’s drishti and the Father is merged in their drishti. Spiritual roses will look at but not see the bodies, the physical world or any thing or any persons of the old physical world. They have the consciousness of speaking through their body, but of seeing the spirit and speaking to the spirit.
In their vision, they constantly have the spiritual world, the world of angels and the world of deities. They are constantly engaged in spiritual service. Night and day, there is constantly spiritual service for them to do. Similarly, such spiritual roses always have the spiritual feeling that all the spirits have to claim their right to their inheritance like they themselves have. They feel that they want to help souls under an external influence with their own powers that they have attained from the Father and enable them to have an experience. They never look at anyone’s weaknesses or defects. They are bestowers who constantly cooperate with the powers and virtues that they have inculcated into themselves. They cooperate with the Brahmin family and are great donors for everyone else. They never feel that certain people are like this or that. Instead, they always have the good wishes to make others equal to the Father. Together with this, they also have elevated good wishes for all the souls who are presently unhappy, povertystricken and peaceless to become constantly peaceful and prosperous embodiments of happiness. They constantly have in their awareness the one concern of quickly bringing about world transformation. This is known as being a spiritual rose.
Today, it is the turn of those from Maharashtra. If those from Maharashtra remember even the one word “Maha” (great), then they can all become great, that is, they can all become number one. What is the aim of those from Maharashtra? To become great. You have to make yourself great and also make the world great. This is what you always have in your consciousness, is it not?
Those from Karnataka are the actors who constantly play a hero part in the drama. You have to become a hero and make others into heroes. Andhra (one of the states of India) means those who dispel darkness; they dispel all types of darkness. Due to the poverty in Andhra, there is a lot of darkness. Therefore, you have to remove all of that poverty and make everyone full. Those from Andhra will make everyone in the world wealthy so that there will be no poverty or lack of anything for body, lack of wealth or power of the mind. You are those who remove the poverty of body, mind and wealth. You will dispel all this darkness and bring light. Therefore, you residents of Andhra are master suns of knowledge.
Madras means those who are constantly absorbed in their dancing. There is the dance of the harmonising of sanskars and the dance of happiness. And you also dance physically. Mad(ras) also means to be absorbed. Therefore, you remain constantly absorbed in this dance. Do you understand what the occupation of all of you is? So, Baba has now met everyone, has He not? To meet means to take. So, you have taken everything, have you not? Eventually, you have to reach the stage of having this meeting through the eyes. For BapDada, wherever you are sitting, whether up here or down below, you are all VIPs.
BapDada meeting the teachers:
In what form would BapDada like to see all of you instrument servers? Do you know? BapDada wants to see all of you servers incarnate down here for your service just as He Himself incarnates here in order to carry out His duty. When an incarnation incarnates on earth, according to the drama, he is able to bring about so much transformation. Incarnations have the power of the soul, whereas all of you are embodiments of the power of God. Therefore, if all of you incarnations were to incarnate down here, what would happen? Transformation would take
place very easily. Just as the Father takes this body on loan and yet doesn’t create any bondage, but simply enters and leaves when He wants and thereby remains free from bondage, in the same way, you servers should remain free from any bondage of your sanskars or nature of your body. You should be able to adopt any sanskar whenever and however you want. You should be able to make your body function as you want. You should be able to create whatever type of nature you want. You should not say, “My nature is like this, and so what can I do?” You should not say, “This is what my sanskars and my bondage are like!” No! You should become completely free from bondage, the same as the Father. Some of you think that you are in a body because of having to be in the cycle of birth and death. However, now that your body no longer belongs to you, is that body a bondage? So how can you have any bondage? Now that you have died alive, to whom does your body belong? Have you surrendered all three, your body, mind and wealth? Or, have you only surrendered two and not the third? Can you have any bondage if your body and mind are not yours? To say, “What can I do? I have had these sanskars over many births and I have these karmic accounts of the body”, is to speak words of weakness. It is now, at the confluence age, that your old accounts of your old births are settled and you start everything afresh. Your old register has now ended. You have started your new register. Has your old past register ended? Or, are you still carefully holding onto it? Have you not yet ended it? Therefore, do you understand what BapDada wants to see?
When so many incarnations appear, there will then be upheaval on earth. An incarnation means a soul who has come from up above. First, stabilise in the stage of the incorporeal world and then come down here. Do not take off from down here. You are, in any case, originally souls who are residents of Paramdham; you are satopradhan souls. Therefore, remain stable in your original and eternal form. Do not stay in your stage of the final period, but remain in your original and eternal stage. What will happen then? You yourself will become free from bondage and those for whom you become instruments will also become free from bondage. Otherwise, those souls will also become tied in one or another bondage. Perform every action whilst considering yourself to be a soul without bondage, who has just incarnated. Then others will also follow you. You saw sakar Baba. What did he remember? “As well as the Father, I am also in my karmateet stage and in the childhood form of my deity stage”. He constantly had his original and eternal form in his awareness. Therefore, follow the father! There is no need to ask you teachers if you are content. To ask you teachers this question would be to insult you! This is why BapDada cannot insult you. You are instruments, equal to the Father. To be an instrument means constantly to be an embodiment of having the awareness of Karankaravanhar. This awareness is a powerful awareness. I am karanhar (one who is made to act), but only on the basis of Karankarvanhar. I am an instrument but I must not forget the One who has made me an instrument. There should not be the consciousness of “I”. Constantly have BapDada’s name on your lips, in your mind and in your actions. This lesson is firm for you, is it not?
BapDada meeting groups:
Do you spend your whole day from morning till night according to the timetable and the shrimat that Baba has given you for the whole day? How you have to wake up, how you have to walk, how you have to eat, how you should interact? You have been given shrimat for all of these actions. Do you perform every action according to those elevated directions?
What word should you remain aware of so that your stage remains elevated in every act you perform? Trustee! By remaining aware of being a trustee in every act you perform, your stage will remain elevated. This is because when you act as a trustee, every burden is the Father’s burden, and you therefore remain constantly doublelight. When you are doublelight, you become able to take a high jump. If you consider yourself to be a householder, you have a tail dragging along behind you and every burden would remain on you. When you have a burden, you are unable to take a high jump. In fact, you become even more breathless. When you constantly consider yourself to be a trustee, your stage will remain constantly elevated. Therefore, always keep in your awareness the elevated directions of constantly remaining a trustee.
What is the first and foremost shrimat that all of you children have received from BapDada? The first and foremost shrimat is to consider yourself to be a soul and whilst considering yourself to be a soul, to remember the Father. You will not receive power from the Father by only considering yourself to be a soul. The reason why you are unable to maintain the stage of constant remembrance is that whilst you are remembering the Father, you do not consider yourself to be a soul. Instead of considering yourself to be a soul, you remember the Father whilst you consider yourself to be an ordinary bodily being. You are therefore unable to maintain that stage of remembrance. Before two things are put together, they first have to be made equal. In the same way, when you remember the Father whilst considering yourself to be a soul then, because you have become equal, you will easily be able to have that remembrance. Constantly continue to put this first shrimat into practice. This is your main foundation. When your foundation is weak, you are unable to experience your stage ascending. One moment your stage will ascend and the next moment, it will descend. When a building’s foundation is not strong, there will be cracks or it will fall down. In the same way, if your foundation isn’t strong, then Maya will pull you down. Therefore, always make sure that your foundation is very strong. You must constantly pay attention even to something that appears easy. If you don’t pay attention constantly, then even something easy becomes difficult.
Do you constantly have the intoxication that you are the souls with all rights every cycle? You were those souls, you are those souls and you will be those souls every cycle. Do the scenes of the previous cycle enter your intellect just as clearly? Today, you are Brahmins and tomorrow, you will be deities. Do you have the intoxication that you were deities? Do you constantly remember the mantra, “hum so, so hum” (What I was, so I will become). If you constantly maintain this intoxication, then just as everything else is forgotten by an intoxicated person, just as the whole world is forgotten, in the same way, when you remain in this intoxication you are easily able to forget the old world. Do you experience your stage to be like this? Therefore, constantly check to see how long you remain in the intoxication of knowing that you are a Brahmin today and tomorrow, a deity. When you interact with anyone, do you still maintain this intoxication or does it reduce a little? You should remember what you are. For instance, whilst a President is doing anything, he would not forget that he is a President. So you too should constantly remember your position. Through this, you will experience constant happiness and intoxication. You should constantly have the intoxication of being those who are to become deities. At present, you are Brahmins, the topknots, and Brahmins are even more elevated than the deities! No matter how much Maya tries to shake you off this intoxication of yours, she should be unable to do so. When Maya comes, she first tries to isolate you. She first makes you step away from the Father. Robbers also first get you on your own and then attack you. Therefore, constantly remain combined. Never become isolated. “I and my Baba”. Remain in the awareness of being combined.
Do all of you consider yourselves to be greatly fortunate? Look how fortunate you are! You have reached the land of blessings to fill your aprons with blessings. How many souls in the world have such fortune? A handful out of multimillions, and only a few out of that handful! Therefore, always remain aware of what you used to listen to and speak about, and that you are now the souls who are the few out of the handful selected from multimillions. Do you have this much happiness? Constantly continue to dance in this happiness. How wonderful is my fortune! Continue to sing this song. Together with singing this song, dance in happiness. You know how to sing this song, do you not? How wonderful is my fortune! How wonderful is my Baba! How wonderful is the drama! Constantly continue to sing this song. You are very lucky. Baba always says that each of you children is a lovely child. So, you are the loveliest and also the luckiest. Never consider yourself to be ordinary; you are very elevated. Once God Himself belongs to you, what else would you need? When the Seed belongs to you, it includes the tree. Therefore, constantly remain in the happiness of knowing this. When others see your happiness, they too will begin to dance in happiness.
Blessing: May you be a soul who has a right to be part of the royal family by remaining bound in God’s service and thus coming into close relationship.
By remaining bound in God’s service you are brought into close relationship. The more service you do, the fruit of that service is that the closer you are brought into relationship. Those who serve here will claim a right to become part of the royal family there. The harder you serve here, the more comfortably you will be able to sit on the throne in the golden age. Those who take comfort here will have to work there. Baba keeps the accounts of every second and every act of every soul.
Slogan: Quickly spread the vibrations of world transformation through your self transformation.
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